Sensory Processing
Strategies to facilitate your child’s regulation in home
and at school
Kathryn Polidoro, MOTR/L
Sensory Processing refers to the method or manner in which
sensation is detected and sent to the central nervous system
to be interpreted.
The inputs are processed and organized in the brain to
produce useful body responses, perceptions, emotions, and
thoughts in order for an individual to engage in their
environment appropriately.
When the process of sensory integration is not developed
properly, the ability to process and respond appropriately to
sensory input may be disrupted and difficulties in learning,
behaviors, engagement with peers, and motor development
may be present
Sensory Processing
Five Senses:
Auditory (Hearing)
Visual (Sight)
Ta c t i l e ( To u c h )
Olfactory (Smell)
Oral Tactile/Gustatory (Taste)
++Plus 2 more “heavy hitters” not widely spoken about!
Vestibular (Movement, Posture, and Balance)
Proprioception (Body Awareness and Coordination)
Where is the information
coming from?
The first and foremost responsibility of an OT in
school is to help your child access their education!
We do not treat or help to correct things that are
NOT educationally relevant
Clinic based services have a wider scope of
Function vs. Perfection
Application to School vs. Clinic
Sensory Processing Disorder is not a recognized DSM-V disorder
Not qualifying diagnosis for school
This is not meant to diagnose or treat your child in ANY way
Comorbidities (co-existing conditions) can complicate
Clinical observation by a professional is needed to determine
underlying causes
I may or may not be your child’s therapist and these strategies
do not take the place of consultation/treatment with an OT
Information is only useful if we receive it- communication is
Arousal: A child’s level of alertness at any given moment. Too
little arousal often has an inert affect on learners, whereas
they will have more difficulty with tasks requiring strength
and endurance. Too high of an arousal level decreases
attention and cognitive learning ability.
Self-Regulation: The ability to manage emotions and
behavior in accordance with the demands of the situation
Seeking: The degree to which a child obtains sensory input
Avoiding: The degree to which a child is bothered by sensory
Sensitivity: The degree to which a child detects sensory input
Registration: The degree to which a child misses sensory
Modulation: The ability to “tune in” important or “ignore”
irrelevant stimuli to produce proper response
Te r m s t o Kn o w
Information is gathered by hearing.
Behaviors observed can include:
Covering ears
Becoming emotional/distressed in crowded or noisy
Talking too loudly
Cause and effect with noise
Controlling the stimulus that is causing discomfort (i.e.
blender, vacuum)
Slow rhythmic music
White noise machines with a steady beat or sound
Be aware of background noise
Be aware of fluctuating volume
Give warnings when possible
Information gathered by sight
Different from acuity (ability to see clearly)
Observable behaviors:
Squinting or avoiding bright lights
Staring intensely at objects
Watching objects or people out of the corner of their
Watching items spin or roll
Difficulty scanning their environment
Change the lighting
Wear lightly tinted glasses
Create a barrier when reading or writing
Reduce clutter
Flashlight tag
Balloon tennis
I Spy
Highlighting written work or lines on a page
Information via touch
First system to operate in utero
Receptors all over our body respond to light touch,
pressure, vibration, temperature, and pain
Both protective (danger) and discriminative
(quality) properties
Ta c t i l e
High fives throughout the day
Engagement with various tactile mediums
Theraputty or koosh balls
Hand massage
Wheelbarrow walking
Deep pressure to back, hips, shoulders
Weighted vest
Fidget toys
Defining a spot (example: carpet square)
Front or back of line
Use firm pressure when directing or touching the child
Information gathered by taste and/or in the mouth
When therapists or professionals assess difficulty,
we look for the 3 T’s
Ta s t e
Te m p e r a t u r e
Oral Tactile
NUK brush or smooth chew toy
Jaw pressure techniques
Massaging temporal mandibular joint
Vibrating toothbrush
Crunchy, chewy snacks
The vestibular is a sensory system that responds to
changes in the position of an individual’s head in
relation to gravity and accelerated or decelerated
movements. It influences a child’s equilibrium,
posture, balance, and muscle tone, directs eye
gaze, and preserves a constant plane of vision.
Over-reactive- fearful of change in head position
Under-reactive can crave movement or seem
unaware of gravity
Trampolin e
Slow rocking or swaying
Swinging can be alerting or calming
Fidget toys
Movement breaks in chair and desk or structured
throughout the day
Upside down
Proprioception is the internal awareness received
from muscles, tendons, and joints that help to
provide and individual with a sense of effort.
Proprioceptive input informs the brain when and
how muscles are contracting or stretching, as well
as when and how the joints are bending, extending,
or being pulled or compressed. The information sent
to the brain allows an individual to unconsciously
sense where their body is in space, how it is moving,
and helps guide the execution of future motor tasks.
Joint compressions
Wheelbarrow walking
Lap “snake” (weighted)
Deep pressure massage
Blanket wrap
Neoprene vest
Lycra/spandex clothing
Hideout, fort, or quiet corner
Weighted utensils